Naturally beautiful bouquets…

The bride’s bouquet is the most memorable and most photographed element of the wedding flowers.

The bouquet is also the most personal part of our service. We work with you to create a bouquet which fully complements your dress or outfit and which works well with all other elements of the wedding flowers. Taking into account the season and colour schemes, we can create everything from simple, classic bouquets to those which are more flowing and vintage in style.

Note: to see all the pictures in full please click on any one of them to enter the gallery.

The church and marquee both looked so stunning - we had so many comments on them from all the guests. I loved the colours you used on the tables - wouldn't have changed a thing! Thanks so much again for making the day as special as it was.
Joanna Boon
The church and marquee both looked so stunning - we had so many comments on them from all the guests. I loved the colours you used on the tables - wouldn't have changed a thing! Thanks so much again for making the day as special as it was.
Joanna Boon